अम्भोधरश्यामलकुन्तलायै तटित्प्रभाताम्रजटाधराय । निरीश्वरायै निखिलेश्वराय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ १॥

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva, To Her who has black hairs resembling the swollen cloud, To Him who has copper matted locks which are like lightning, To Her who is the goddess of the mountains, And to Him who is the Lord of the universe.

प्रदीप्तरत्नोज्वलकुण्डलायै स्फुरन्महापन्नगभूषणाय । शिवप्रियायै च शिवाप्रियाय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ २॥

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva, To Her with glittering earrings of gems, To Him who wears a great serpent as ornament, To Her who is the darling of Lord Shiva, And to Him who is the sweetheart of Parvathi.

मन्दारमालाकलितालकायै कपालमालाङ्कितकन्धराय । दिव्याम्बरायै च दिगम्बराय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ३॥

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva, To Her wearing garland of sweet smelling flowers, To Him wearing the garland of skulls, To Her who dresses in great silks, And to Him wearing the eight directions.

कस्तूरिकाकुङ्कुमलेपनायै श्मशानभस्मात्तविलेपनाय । कृतस्मरायै विकृतस्मराय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ४॥

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva, To Her whose body is smeared with musk and saffron, To Him whose body is smeared with ashes of the burning ghat, To Her whose prettiness radiates love, And to Him who destroyed the God of love.

पादारविन्दार्पितहंसकायै पादाब्जराजत्फणिनूपुराय । कलामयायै विकलामयाय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ५॥

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva, To Her whose feet is adorned by the lotus offered to her, To Him whose feet is decorated by the anklet of snakes, To Her who is as shining as the moon, And to Him who wears moon as an ornament.

प्रपञ्चसृष्ट्युन्मुखलास्यकायै समस्तसंहारकताण्डवाय । समेक्षणायै विषमेक्षणाय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ६॥

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva, To Her whose dance marks the creation of the world, To Him whose dance destroys everything, To Her who has even number of eyes, And to Him who has odd number of eyes.

प्रफुल्लनीलोत्पललोचनायै विकासपङ्केरुहलोचनाय । जगज्जनन्यै जगदेकपित्रे नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ७॥

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva, To Her who has eyes as wide as the blue lotus, To Him who has eyes as wide as a fully opened lotus, To Her who is the mother of the universe, And to Him who is the father of the universe.

अन्तर्बहिश्चोर्ध्वमधश्च मध्ये पुरश्च पश्चाच्च विदिक्षु दिक्षु । सर्वं गतायै सकलं गताय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ॥ ८॥

My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva, To Her who is the beginning, middle and end, To Him who sees east, west and all directions, To Her towards whom everything travels, And to Him, in whom all things meet their end.

अर्धनारीश्वरस्तोत्रं उपमन्युकृतं त्विदम् । यः पठेच्छृणुयाद्वापि शिवलोके महीयते ॥ ९॥

Those who read or hear, This prayer to Ardhanarreswara, Composed by Upamanyu, Will reach the world of Lord Shiva.

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